Monday, March 16, 2009

Hog Heaven

"Look; there she is. How much can I eat before she gets here? I bet I can make a dent in this pile. I'll just keep eating right up until that halter hits my head. Maybe I'll keep eating even while she puts it on. Oh, one last bite - grab, munch munch, It's a good day."

"Ha. She's all done, now back to my real job. All those other fools are around behind the run-in eating from the Self-Same Hay Pile. Winston and me, we're the smart ones. As usual. Dude, meet you in the middle. We're the kings of the world!"


Mrs. Mom said...

LOL too cute!! John is the perfect example of Total Bliss there! ;)

Jocelyn said...

if Star was allowed to eat hay like that she would be OBESE. She swears she is starving and going to die at all times!

John looks soooo content and in his happy place.

Flying Lily said...

Mrs.Mom: Yes, happiness, thy name is One Chubby Pony with a HayPile, on a sunny day.

Jocelyn: You will notice a certain ahem rotundity to these ponies' midsections. I'm looking forward to trail season when Johnny sleeks down a bit.

Zoe said...

How much hay??? Please please send this photo to my human and let her know how much I should be getting. Can I come and live with you please??? You are so lucky.

Flying Lily said...

Now Zoe, you know you want to stay all nice & slim, not like John who really couldn't care about his pot-belly I mean hay-belly.

Zoe said...

But I am STARVING.....

Flying Lily said...

Zoe, I have to admit you would be a Force to Be Reckoned With in that pasture. The geldings are all bossed by the mares and that's why John & Winston always escape to elsewhere so that they can get a bite to eat. You can come and dine any time.

Grey Horse Matters said...

Yummy, looks like horse heaven alright.